Consultations d’addictologie

Consultations d’addictologie

Centre Pierre Nicole


Foreign online casinos offer a convenient way for players to access a wide range of games from anywhere in the world, but they can also lead to gambling-related problems, including addiction and financial difficulties. Many of these platforms operate under different regulations, making it difficult for users to seek help if they have problems. As online gambling becomes increasingly popular thanks to зарубежные онлайн казино, it can be difficult for people struggling with compulsive betting to regain control without the proper support. This is where access to professional counseling becomes essential to overcome the mental and social consequences of gambling addiction. The Pierre Nicolas Center provides free counseling by appointment, offering support from a multidisciplinary team that includes psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers. Their services can be invaluable to those who are experiencing the emotional and financial strain caused by excessive gambling. By addressing the root causes of gambling addiction and providing recovery strategies, the center helps people regain stability in their lives.

Consultations individuelles
Accueil, information
Suivi ambulatoire
Traitements de substitution Publics concernés

Toute personne qui présente des problèmes de dépendance, quelle qu’en soit la nature (alcool, stupéfiants, médicaments) et/ou son entourage.
Addiction sans produits : jeux, trouble des conduites alimentaires.
Accueil, conseil et orientation pour jeunes consommateurs de cannabis, dépendance affective et sexuelle, dépendance au travail. Modalités

Consultations gratuites, sur rendez-vous, par les membres d’une équipe pluridisciplinaire (psychiatres, médecin somaticien, psychologues assistante sociale)
Traitements médicamenteux
Suivi social
Suivi éducatif L’équipe Dr Anne Béatrice Junière, addictologue,  responsable de l’unité
Dr Framboise André, Psychiatre
Dr François Naccache, addictologue
Dr Hervé L’Hostis, addictologue,
Dr Laurent Michel, Psychiatre
Dr Philippe Trouiller, médecin de santé publique.
Dr G .Vaquier de Labaume Psychiatre
Dr Ariane addictologue.
Emmanuelle Leclerc , psychologue
Juliette Michelot, psychologue
Corinne Gerber, assistante sociale Lieu de l’action Contact Horaires Lieu de l’action

Métro: Port Royal (RER B)

27, rue Pierre Nicole
75005 Paris Contact

Tel. 01 44 32 07 60
Fax 01 44 32 07 62
E-mail: Horaires

 Jours ouvrables, de 9h30 à 19h, sur rendez-vous

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